Comedy Central REPERCUSSIONS ‘Daily Show’ Has a Solution for Sexual Harassment: ‘Pull Out Your Dick, Get Replaced by a Chick’ Contributor Michelle Wolf takes on men’s oblivious reaction to the Harvey Weinstein allegations and the #MeToo movement. Matt Wilstein Matt Wilstein 10.19.17 12:26 AM ET On its third night in Chicago, The Daily Show came for Harvey Weinstein. Two weeks after the story about the sexual abuse allegations against the Hollywood producer first broke, host Trevor Noah noted that “every single day it keeps getting worse.” “I guess it’s a good thing that Harvey Weinstein likes people watching him shower,” Noah joked, “because there’s a lot of that in prison.” And in response to the #MeToo campaign, he added, “This isn’t a Hollywood problem, this is a man problem.” Wisely, Noah decided to turn the mic over to Daily Show contributor Michelle Wolf, who said, “If there were two guys at a bar and one was Weinstein and the other was Steve Bannon, I’d go home with cyanide.” - Fountain Prime Schools

Motto: Dedication & Sound Knowledge


Thursday, 19 October 2017

Comedy Central REPERCUSSIONS ‘Daily Show’ Has a Solution for Sexual Harassment: ‘Pull Out Your Dick, Get Replaced by a Chick’ Contributor Michelle Wolf takes on men’s oblivious reaction to the Harvey Weinstein allegations and the #MeToo movement. Matt Wilstein Matt Wilstein 10.19.17 12:26 AM ET On its third night in Chicago, The Daily Show came for Harvey Weinstein. Two weeks after the story about the sexual abuse allegations against the Hollywood producer first broke, host Trevor Noah noted that “every single day it keeps getting worse.” “I guess it’s a good thing that Harvey Weinstein likes people watching him shower,” Noah joked, “because there’s a lot of that in prison.” And in response to the #MeToo campaign, he added, “This isn’t a Hollywood problem, this is a man problem.” Wisely, Noah decided to turn the mic over to Daily Show contributor Michelle Wolf, who said, “If there were two guys at a bar and one was Weinstein and the other was Steve Bannon, I’d go home with cyanide.”

Comedy Central

Two weeks after the story about the sexual abuse allegations against the Hollywood producer first broke, host Trevor Noah noted that “every single day it keeps getting worse.”
“I guess it’s a good thing that Harvey Weinstein likes people watching him shower,” Noah joked, “because there’s a lot of that in prison.” And in response to the #MeToo campaign, he added, “This isn’t a Hollywood problem, this is a man problem.”
Wisely, Noah decided to turn the mic over to Daily Show contributor Michelle Wolf, who said, “If there were two guys at a bar and one was Weinstein and the other was Steve Bannon, I’d go home with cyanide.”
As more and more women come out and say they too have been sexually harassed, Wolf noted that many men have been like, “I can’t believe this.” Her response? “I know you can’t! Men don’t know anything that’s going on with women. You think you understand vaginas because sometimes you put your penis in one. That’s like me saying I understand engineering because I once drove through a tunnel.”
“Men have no idea about women’s experiences,” Wolf continued. “Black, white, pretty, ugly, rich, poor, human, a plant, when it comes to sexual harassment, women are going through an obstacle course.” She compared it to a Tough Mudder. “But instead of mud, it’s dicks!”
Then, in a reference to the new allegations against Weinstin's brother and business partner, Wolf said, “It’s not good enough to just fire Harvey, because there’s always a Bob.” Her solution was that every time a man gets caught sexually harassing someone, “You don’t just fire him, you have to replace him with a woman.”

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