Here Are 5 Tips That Will Help You Attract Your Dream Partner - Fountain Prime Schools

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Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Here Are 5 Tips That Will Help You Attract Your Dream Partner

Every woman dreams of meeting her own prince charming; that ‘one’ person that will come and sweep them off their feet but not all women know how to find or even attract such men.
Searching for secret methods nor secret locations of where they may be hiding is fruitless. The best approach is to open your life and allow the man/woman of your dreams to enter, using these five simple rules:

1. Stop searching for ‘the one’

That’s right, you must stop looking in order to find them… Unfortunately, desperately seeking out your perfect partner just doesn’t work. In almost all cases, these special people enter our lives completely unintentionally. But when they do, you will  know it!

2. Focus on yourself

Now you are no longer focused on finding another, transfer this energy into working on yourself. Occupying yourself with personal improvement will have immense benefits such as  learning to be confident in  yourself, being more independent and more productive with your time which will ultimately attract the right person.

3. Compliment not complete

Now that you are well-focused and independent, you will no longer feel you a partner to complete you. Instead, focus on identifying someone who compliments you perfectly, and you to them.

4. Be social and outgoing

For those who still think this rule is corny, have you heard of the six degrees of separation? It’s an incredible theory that we are all only six steps or fewer away from any other person you will ever meet. So that “a friend of a friend” chain between you and your dream partner is only six steps or less!

5. Be bold and act on your intuition

While you are not actively searching for your dream partner, you cannot assume that they are going to simply fall straight onto your lap! You need to trust your intuition to tell you when to act.
When you meet someone who resonates with you deeply, don’t let them slip away! It’s up to you to control your destiny, to act and explore life’s many possibilities. Harness the power of the butterfly effect, small actions can change your entire life.


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